Cardinal Rugambwa Memorial College- CARUMCO, was established following the phasing out of CARUMUCO, the then Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania-SAUT, at the end of 2018/19 academic year.The main goal being to train highly skilled and competent youths and adult learners and impart entrepreneurship and soft skills to enable them to be innovative and to contribute to sustainable development and self-reliance.
CARUMCO’s mission has three components namely : Pre-employment Training (PET), provision of Continuing Education and Training (CET) and value added services to industry, small holder farmers, cooperatives and government. We will remain focussed on the three components of our mission. However, given Tanzania’s position in the two economic blocks SADC and EAC, CET will feature more prominently in order to equip Tanzania’s workforce with up-to-date knowledge and skills to compete Regionally as a country.
We train for Industry/self-employment and work with Industry. In the coming years we plan to introduce more technology courses in ICT, Engineering as well as courses in Hospitality Management. We also plan to develop all courses we are offering to Bachelor degree level, that is NTA levels 7 and 8, in order to provide more upgrading opportunities to our college graduates.
To all our students and particularly the fisrt year students we say welcome to CARUMCO family, be ready to enjoy the best weather, the best learning environment and the cool Lake Victoria breeze. Take advantage of our Institutional courses like Social Ethics, ICT, Communication Skills and Entrepreneurship on top of the Technical courses of your choice. I can assure you, if you put your heart in your work, with CARUMCO the sky is the limit.
Fr. Respicius Kamala